Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Share Your Pain

Oprah said to a brave woman who went from over 500 pounds to under 200, "Your pain empowers someone." Not a twisted way of thinking but an honest one. When we share our pain in a way that doesn't ask for pity but rather respect,there is someone out there who relates to our story and is empowered.

When I decided to bare my soul in my bio/self-help book "Lessons From the Potholes of Life" it was with much trepidation. What would they think if they found out what I'd done in my life? What if they didn't love me anymore?What if they didn't respect me?...and so on and so forth.

Anyone out ever there felt like that? I'm here to tell you that when you share your pain, there is someone out there who says," Wow! IF she could beat that or turn her life around, I can too." Not only did my presence in the community increase but so did the respect. 3 years later I still have people come up to me and tell me what my story did for them. I didn't want a best seller, just a book that would make a difference in someone's life.

You may never publish your story, although I heartily recommend it, but you can share your painful experience with someone who is hurting. Story telling is a powerful way to reach people. Try telling your story at your club, Toastmasters, kids school, church or to a magazine.

The one caution is to not do it as a way of getting even or cause pain to someone else. Unless we are talking about a predator or murderer, handle with diplomacy.This can be dangerous ground in families. No matter what a person may have done, especially if they are still alive, tell the story with compassion and dignity.

Paul Anka was asked how he felt about helping new rising stars , "If you can help somone, you have to." It's just that simple.

Keep in mind there are retreats, workshops and much more in store for you this fall. Email me or scroll down for details listed.

Live from a heart overflowing with acceptance and appreciation.

Blog Search: The Source for Blogs

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Celebration of life as the sun sets on Powell River. Posted by Picasa


It's part way through summer and already the retreats and workshops for the fall are lining up.

Sept.16-18 in Naramata(outside Penticton, BC) I will be teaching at the "Wise Woman Weekend". For schedule and details go to:
This promises to be a wonderful spiritual experience for women from all walks of life to gather and be refreshed and renewed.

Sept.23-25 at Kent's Beach Resort south of Powell River, we are holding a "Seaside Writing and Musical Retreat." This all inclusive weekend promises to give the creativity of both writers and musicians the space to flower and breathe. I will be teamed up with professional musician Helena Sandler (www.saternamusic.com) to provide free onsite coaching, great food, ideas, fun, free journalling course and more for as little as $275.

Call toll free: 1-866-373-2607 or email: dreambg1@shaw.ca for details and a brochure.

Oct.15 at the French Club, The Powell River Festival of Writers presents "The Publisher and The Scribes" starring Howard White author and publisher of Harbour Publishing teaching "Publishing in the Rain." (www.harbourpublishing.com)

He'lll cover various aspects of publishing and writing. Rounding out the day local historian and author Karen Southern will share her experiences on writing, followed by an open house for the public and book sales. From 9:00-5:00 you'll be inspired and educated for only $40. Watch the festival web site soon for registration information: www.prmicro.com/festivalofwriters) or call above number.

And today and everyday remember that life is an unforgiving partner who expects us to learn the moves, to live it with love, laughter and light. Keep on dancing whether you're writing, painting, singing, traveling, or doing anything else pleasurable!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Journal For Fun or For Enlightenment

Does a scene like this make you want to get out your journal or note book and start writing? Or at the very least capture it on film or with paints? Watching the ocean leaping with joy at our cabin moved me to write and write. The waves were dancing in wild abandoment inviting me to let my emotions dance along with them....and I did. Instead of moaning about yet another wet stormy day, I felt empowered by the power in the waves.

Ever had one or a series of days when you felt like a stormy ocean? When it felt like nothing was going right? That my friend is exactly the time to grab your journal and start scribbling. It's in these moments that pure honest enlightenment shines forth. Getting the chatter out of your head and onto the paper is good for the soul. I've had many "eureka" moments when I look at what I've written. It seems to clarify things.

But journaling can be great fun too! A couple weeks ago I took 4 women out to our cabin for a "Journaling Just for Fun" day of retreat. By the end of the day the floor was covered in scraps of paper from pictures we'd added to our journals, drawings were done, some life changing decisions had been reached just from talking among ourselves, and most of all we had a whale of a time! These women went home refreshed, with new friends, and new determinations to journal more often.Out of the fun and scraps came very important insights.

I provided some journaling prompts(which I'd be happy to send to you if you email me) to get us going. One of them I used at the cabin during the storm was : "What are you most afraid of?"I obviously needed to do it because everytime I started writing another thing down, my stomach tightened up.It was very enlightening to see what fears I still carry around and what they are related to.Try it....IF you dare honestly look inside your heart. How can we continue to make changes in who we are or grow if we don't have the courage to really dig deep? It can be a freeing experience.

You don't have to wait till you have friends over to experience fun and enlightenement. Making time regularly to journal will gradually free you,teach gratitude and appreciation and may even help make your dreams come true.

Hope this day finds you waltzing with life!


Events and Products

Seaside Writing and Musical Retreat...Sept.23,24/05 at Kent's Beach Resort in Powell River.Both writers and muscians are invited to take a break from their routines and spend the weekend in a beautiful quiet setting by the sea. Write ...or not. Compose...or not. Practice..or not. Or bring your paints, but do whatever you want to in order to relax and just BE!

Both groups will have access to onsite coaches, author Barb Rees and musical guide Helena Sandler(www.saternamusic.com).

"Journaling Just For Fun" an optional course will also be offered for those who wish to take it.

The retreat starts about noon Sept.23 going till noonish Sept.24 and includes: coaching,food, catered dinner by one of Powell River's finest Saturday night,shared accomodation,handouts, and gifts.

Choose either:

Plan A: Shared accomodation with 5 or 6 others in a large cabin: $275

Plan B: Have your own cabin that could sleep one other: $295

Registrations paid in full by Sept.1/05 receive $10 discount.Payment accepted: Cheque, MasterCard, PayPal(go to www.paypal.com and put in my email: dreambg1@shaw.ca)

Or ask about special payment plans.

Call for details and registration form:

Toll Free: 1-866-373-2607

Local: 604-485-2732

Email: dreambg1@shaw.ca


A Day With the Publishers

Powell River Festival of Writers Society will host their fall workshop "A Day With the Publishers" Oct.15/05 , 9:00-4:00pm in Powell River,location TBA. Writers...get those questions about publishing you've always wondered about answered from both a mainstream publisher and a self publisher. Listen to them in the morning and book an appointment with them in the afternoon, network with other writers, enjoy a book fair.

Watch Festival of Writers web site for details and registration form soon to be posted:


Or call Barb: 604-485-2732 or email: dreambg1@shaw.ca


Barb's Books:

Important Dates Calendar>>> If you ever forgot someones birthday or anniversary, this calendar is the answer.It will never be outdated but will hang on your wall for years to come with its beautiful Powell River scenes on each page. Photos taken by myself and my dad Fred Kobsted.

Special summer sale: $18 Canadian plus shipping according to your area.


Lessons From the Potholes of Life...Dig diamonds out of your difficulties with the 26 story lessons I learned while digging out of the potholes. Each chapter has quotations and an exercise page for personal insights. This little book has encouraged many people from all walks of life.

Special summer sale: $15 Canadian plus shipping according to your area.


Taking bookings for fall workshops and motivational speaking held in your area if there is enough demand. Let's see what we can craft just for you!


Till next time remember that life is our dance partner, one we can get much pleasure from and one that will not tolerate wasted time or talents.

Keep dancing,


Friday, May 27, 2005

People are Like Potatoes

Are we like potatoes." A couple weeks ago my husband was digging up an old garden plot and came upon 4 little potatoes that had been ignored, should have rotted since last year, yet instead were sprouting with new life. No one had given these potatoes a chance. No one nurtured, cared for or did anything to prolong their lives. They were just more determined/stubborn than others.

When others were sitting there having given up on life, these 4 took a stance and lived in spite of everything. Guess you could say they were survivors.

By now you'll have got my point. Some people like David Pelzer who was the worst case of child abuse in California's history, not only survived but went on to thrive in life. If you haven't read his story, I recommend you do: "Help Yourself" or " A Boy Named It." If you ever blame your childhood for your lack of success and happiness in life, think of David and the potatoes. They are giving forth life to all who come in contact with them. They are reaching out for the light.

Why is that some survive and thrive in spite of the odds against them? Why is that some don't survive in spite of ideal conditions? Just like potatoes need fertilizing, and hilling in order to produce the best product, so do humans. Or do we? Maybe some of us get to a point in our lives when we make choices to produce something different.

What will be your choice today? Will you be like these potatoes that choose to live a passionate life even when circumstances aren't the best? If these potatoes could dance they would. Will you dance with life today?

Happy dancing!

People are like potatoes! Posted by Hello

Friday, May 20, 2005

Barb's Newsletter Gets a Face Lift!

"You don't have to get it right, you just have to get it going." Those are the words of New York mayor Michael Bloomberg. That has been my philosophy since starting my newsletter 3 years ago...just get going!

My newsletter "Passions Passport" has done a good job, but now its time for a face lift. Thus you'll always find it on this blog "Life's A Dance" and carrying the same name. Out with "Passions Passport," in with "Life's A Dance"...Because isn't it?

Do we know the steps in order to dance smoothly through it? Do we know the steps to express our excitement and passion for life? Do we sometimes find we are stepping on our partner/life's toes and stumbling along?

My vision for Life's A Dance is much the same as it always has been: To inspire my readers to reach higher, dream bigger, achieve more, laugh and love more often. In this ezine you will find inspirational quotes, valuable links, thought provoking articles and updates on my products, services and retreats. I'll include writers workshops and info on our local Festival of writers. You may even be treated to some of the spectacular photos from our area on the west coast of BC.

Quotes to live by:

"Work from the pithy eye out. Swimming in a language sea. Something that you feel will find form." Jack Kerouac

"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." Oscar Wilde

"Life is a checkerboard and the player opposite you is time. If you hesitate before moving or neglect to move promtly, your men will be wiped off the board by time. You are playing against a partner who will not tolerate indecision." from "Think and Grow Rich"

"Every pothole has a diamond lesson waiting to be dug out of it." From my book, "Lessons from the Potholes of Life."

Blogs and Links of Interest:
On writing, Retreat 2 Write is found at: http://dreambg1.blogspot.com

Driftwood art by my husband Dave, R Stix R4U is found at : http://rstixr4u.blogspot.com

From our Auzzie photo journalist Richard, his site: www.zouchai.com

Info on Powell River Festival of Writers that took place April 15-17/05: www.prmicro.festivalofwriters

Our Sassyscribe writers site where people of all levels of experience come together in a safe and friendly place : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sassyscribe2003

Hope you enjoyed the new location and face of my newsletter. If you did pass the link on.



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Barb enjoys life at the beach Posted by Hello