Friday, May 20, 2005

Barb's Newsletter Gets a Face Lift!

"You don't have to get it right, you just have to get it going." Those are the words of New York mayor Michael Bloomberg. That has been my philosophy since starting my newsletter 3 years ago...just get going!

My newsletter "Passions Passport" has done a good job, but now its time for a face lift. Thus you'll always find it on this blog "Life's A Dance" and carrying the same name. Out with "Passions Passport," in with "Life's A Dance"...Because isn't it?

Do we know the steps in order to dance smoothly through it? Do we know the steps to express our excitement and passion for life? Do we sometimes find we are stepping on our partner/life's toes and stumbling along?

My vision for Life's A Dance is much the same as it always has been: To inspire my readers to reach higher, dream bigger, achieve more, laugh and love more often. In this ezine you will find inspirational quotes, valuable links, thought provoking articles and updates on my products, services and retreats. I'll include writers workshops and info on our local Festival of writers. You may even be treated to some of the spectacular photos from our area on the west coast of BC.

Quotes to live by:

"Work from the pithy eye out. Swimming in a language sea. Something that you feel will find form." Jack Kerouac

"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." Oscar Wilde

"Life is a checkerboard and the player opposite you is time. If you hesitate before moving or neglect to move promtly, your men will be wiped off the board by time. You are playing against a partner who will not tolerate indecision." from "Think and Grow Rich"

"Every pothole has a diamond lesson waiting to be dug out of it." From my book, "Lessons from the Potholes of Life."

Blogs and Links of Interest:
On writing, Retreat 2 Write is found at:

Driftwood art by my husband Dave, R Stix R4U is found at :

From our Auzzie photo journalist Richard, his site:

Info on Powell River Festival of Writers that took place April 15-17/05: www.prmicro.festivalofwriters

Our Sassyscribe writers site where people of all levels of experience come together in a safe and friendly place :

Hope you enjoyed the new location and face of my newsletter. If you did pass the link on.



Barb Rees said...

Congratulations Richard you win the prize for being the first one to post comments on my new site! What prize you ask? YOu win my undying appreciation and you get to have this dance with life with me. Thank you for sharing the dance floor.

May this dance bring you much inspiration, laughter and joy!

Andreas Krokene aka The Fraidy Cat Marketer said...

Greetings Barb,

As usual a first class job! Congrats for the future as I know you and Dave will waltz across blogland with great class and feeling.

Kindest regards,


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